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This is the first time i create a blog and i hope you will LOVE it!!


I'm Fong shi wai...


I LOVE to eat ice-cream...


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January 2011
February 2011
March 2011
August 2011
September 2011


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Monday, September 5, 2011 8:22 AM

After School....

Qn1) Why mixed race couple?
     2) Bad traits?
     3) Effective to promote family values?

'THE FUNERAL' Advertisement

Firstly, I think that the combination of mixing race couple tells people about muti-cultured aspect and the usage of mixed races shows the people that races does not matter, just like in the advertisement, the two couple are of different races but their relationship were good. We should not look down or disregard people of other races and we could also be friend or couple with people of other races too. Most importantly, we must not criticize people of other races. I felt that having friends with people of different races with me was good as we could share with each other our culture and knowing the different culture of races was really interesting. 

Secondly, in the advertisement, the wife (the host) of the dead man, talk about the bad traits of her husband. She told and shows the audience about and how her husband snore in the night. I thought that it was funny when she show the audience about her husband snoring but I felt very touch when she mention that she could not hear her husband snoring again and started sobbing. I remember that she says that when her husband had die, the bad traits of her husband had indicated to her that her David was still alive. After watching this advertisement, I felt that everyones had their own bad traits and in the end when we had leave the world, it was these imperfection that makes us perfect.

Lastly, I think that this advertisement was effective to promote family values as it tells us alot about how sad and the importance of the person were to us when they had leave us. So, after watching this advertisement, I realise that I would also be sad and started to recall the bad traits of that person when someone I love had passed away. And I will started to felt that how perfect that person was with that kind of bad traits. This video also remind me that we should always treasure and cherish our family but not wait until they had pass away then we started to cherish them and that would be too late...

Tuesday, August 30, 2011 12:46 AM

Lee Seung Gi....

Qn) Write a 150 words blogspot about your favourite character (can be from a story, drama series, movie or cartoon)
      1. What do you like about this character? 
  •  Behaviour/ characteristics
  • His personal thought/ beliefs
  • Actions
    2. In what way are you similar/ different from this character?

My favourite character in a Korean drama known as Shining Inheritance was Lee Seung Gi.  I watched this drama every Monday to Friday on channel U at 7pm. This drama is about my favourite character, Sun Woo Hwan (actor Lee Seung Gi) who was a useless grandson from a rich family. He had a bad temper and had no direction in life. His grandmother, Jang Sook Ja (actor Ban Hyo Jung) wants his grandson to inherit her food company but Hwan did not know how to cherish her company and her employees. He told his mother that he does not want to inherit the food company and wanted to sell the food company straight after his grandmother had pass away. His grandmother overheard their conversation and became deeply disappointed in Hwan. She cut off all expense from Hwan and asks him to work in her company and earn income himself. But Hwan does not want to listen to her grandmother and leave home. After leaving home for a few days, he created trouble and was send to the police station for one day. However, after that incident, he changes a lot and becomes a good person in the end with the help of Go Eun Sung (actor Han Hyo Joo). What I like about my favourite characters was that in this drama, Sun Woo Hwan, although he was very bad in the beginning but he was willing to make changes to his character and had learn how to cherish things as time passes.
I am quite similar to Sun Woo Hwan in his character. In the past, I like to take things for granted just like my favourite character but I was willing to make changes as time passes...... 

 Lee Seung Gi !!!  

Wednesday, August 17, 2011 5:36 PM

Super Junior....


I have learn how to approach an unseen text by:

1) Undertanding the overall meaning of the text.
2) Do a close reading of the text.
3) Provide a philosophical insight and an informed, personal response.

I have learn how the author chooses to tell the story and why he chooses to tell the story in a particular manner that is related to the subject of the story. I also know how to identify and comment on the unseen text by looking for the basic literary devices as well as understand the meaning of each devices. I had already learn the imagery and figurative language devices and sound devices. The devices had create important effect on the unseen text.

Eg of  imagery and figurative language devices: ROSE

Why people always compare their lover as a RED ROSE??
It was because a red rose is a traditional symbol of romantic love. It shows how deeply in love a male is with a female when comparing the rose to a female.

Lastly, i felt that unseen text is quite challenging for me as we need to know the devices well and understand the meaning of devices well so that we could use it to comment the unseen text as well as understand why the writer uses certain words to express the meaning of text......

4:59 PM



     My Literature R & J group, met almost every Wednesday and Saturday to discuss on how we are going to act out the 'Romeo and Juliet' play and all the props and things required. My group members had been assigned works by our director and everyone was busy preparing all the stuff needed for the play.
     My group had already settle the costumes of each characters and some of the props needed had already been done.Each members was ask to memorise their lines in the script so that they could act more naturally and put their emotion in it. Recently, my group met at rp for our rehearsal. The directors point out certain parts that we need to take note of, such as no back facing the audience and our body should always be facing 45 decree, and how different characters should act out to show the characteristicof the character in the play. My group keep on practicing the part which Romeo and Juliet kiss each other so that the two main characters would not feel so awkward during our actual performance.
     Today, 17/8/11, my group stay back from 3pm to 4.30pm to have a quick rehearsal in our school music room where we could try and play the piano, adjust the brightness of light and the positions of how we should stand during each scene of the play. I felt that each of my group members had been working hard for the major project which stand 70% of our End Of Year Examination and we had put extra effort in this project so as to make it a perfect play of 'Romeo and Juliet'.

Sunday, March 6, 2011 4:05 AM

Posting on my literature blog again.

On Thursday 3/3/11 my class had watched a variety shows or rather movie on the story 'Macbeth'. There was cartoon version of Macbeth, animate version, real Macbeth story... We had also listen to the different kind of  tone/voices on how the three witches had say to each other and how witches had behave, dress and their apperance as a witches. I think that the cartoon version was boring as nothing scary or interesting shown in the movie as compared to the real Macbeth story and the animated version as the story was really interesting to me though it was a bit scary.

The story 'Macbeth' is about the themes superstitious, ambitions and revenge.
Three witches appeared and told Macbeth, a great general of the king of Scotland, that "he will one day becomes the king", when Macbeth is on his way home with his soldier after a battle. The three witches disappeared after telling Macbeth about the prophecy. Macbeth was shock after knowing this news that he would become the king. He told his wife, Lady Macbeth, about this and the two of them begin to trust the witches and think of solution to kill the king- King Duncan. Finally one day evil Macbeth and his greedy wife had succeed in killing the king and Macbeth eventually becomes the King. The three witches appeared before Macbeth again and told Macbeth that he would one day be kill by a boy not born by a women, Macbeth think that this is impossible for any people not born by a women. But in the end, Macbeth was killed by a boy not born by a women but is born by cutting out the flesh of the boy's mother and taking out the child from his mother stomach. The story of Macbeth is also about wars.
My favourite character in the story 'Macbeth' was the three witches. I liked the three witches in the story because I liked the way on how the three witches speak in weird tone or voices in the story and the witches was frightened or scary which this make the story of Macbeth interesting to me. I also liked the atmosphere when the three witches was around, the behavior  of witches and also the appearance of the witches as it was some kind of mysterious.
I had learnt in the story of 'Macbeth' that we should not be so superstitious and belived in what strangers or any people had say such as becoming the king. Not to be evil like Macbeth and his wife, who had plan to murder people for the prophecy to let Macbeth be the King. The characteristic of each characters in the story. The summary of what 'Macbeth' is about and lastly what is the effect of being greedy.

Sunday, February 13, 2011 4:34 AM

FT island....
;) Updating this week lesson.
We had learnt about how Shakespeare use word, animals or phrases to describe the things or people in the story. Just to show some example about what i had learnt on how Shakespeare uses words to describe:
"As two spent swimmers that do cling together and choke their art" this phrases show that there is alot of blood.
"Good, Hardy, Brave and knowledge" shows the characteristic of the captain.
"Multiplying" means very fast/more/keep increasing.
"Brandished steel" means sword.
"Smoked with bloody execution" means the speed/swift that the blood disappear from the sword.
"Sparrows eagles, lion" to describe the characters/action/things.

I had also learnt about Act 1 scene 2 on the summary of the story and what had exactly happen in the story of Act 1 scene 2 on wars.
* King Duncan met with captain.
*War [I] -Macdonwald defeated by Macbeth.
*War[II]- Met new enemy [Norwegian king]. They continue fighting and won the second war, captain was badly injure.
* Norwegian want a treaty $1000 to bury for the Norwegian' soldiers.

NE value: Respect other even the dead people.
~ In the story of Act 1 scene 2, i had learnt that we had to respect other people and even for the dead people. We need to respect the dead by bury their dead bodies in a proper way.

I want to learn more about the characteristic of the Macbeth wife on the next Literature lesson....

Saturday, January 29, 2011 9:53 AM

Hi, here again to update my blog on Thursday lesson 27/1/11!
On this lesson, my class learnt about SUPERSTITION- belief which are not based on reason or knowledge. First, my literature teacher go through the story or rather the summary of the story MACBETH and it was about a witch come and tell Macbeth that he is the king of the country. When Macbeth and his wife heard this news, they believe the witches and they were very happy. Macbeth wife order someone to kill the previous king. After killing the king, Macbeth became the king but the witches again tell Macbeth that he would not be kill by people who are not born by women. But at the end, Macbeth was being kill by a boy who was not born by women but "was being born by the stomach of the women" which mean the the boy was "being born by cutting off the flesh on the stomach of his mother"- I don't know what is the phrase to describe this. And also the boy who was not born by women became the king. I think that Macbeth was superstition and i felt that this story was very interesting! My class was ask to wrie a total of 200 words of predition for homework.
Question~ Has there ever been a time in your life when someone told you that somethingimprobable would happen and it did it? Did the fact that the event was 'predicted' cause you to behave differently that you would have otherwise and make it more likely for the event to occur? Or did the event simply seem to occur without any assistance from you? Recall what happened and include your feelings when you heard the event predicted and when it occurred.


Dear blog:
What happened that day to me was extremely usually. One particular day on one fateful afternoon, I was opening my locker, wanting to put my books inside it. When I open my locker, there was one piece of paper with writing on it drop down slowly and lightly from my locker and that piece of paper lay on the floor just in front of me. I was curious and was eager to read those neatly written words on that piece of paper. Eventually, I picked up the paper and I was shocked and surprised to see the words,
                                                                                                                    BY BMS 
on that piece of paper. I froze for a few seconds but I did not believe and care those words and I thought that it was my friend’s idea. I was walking home alone after putting my stuff in my locker. While walking home, I notice that someone kept following me on my back since I walked out of school. At this point of time, I began to believe those words on that piece of paper. I was frightened and immediately walked to places with lots of people so that the follower could not attack me as written on the paper. I call my mum to fetch me home. While waiting for my mum to fetch me, I kept looking out for that follower. At the end, although I was not being attack by someone as my mum and I inform the police who sent us back home and so the follower could not do anything to harm me, but I believe in SUPERSTITION from that moment onward. [279 word]