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This is the first time i create a blog and i hope you will LOVE it!!


I'm Fong shi wai...


I LOVE to eat ice-cream...


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January 2011
February 2011
March 2011
August 2011
September 2011


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Image: Cyworld
Basecodes: Milkypoop
Cursors: Puremilky

Tuesday, August 30, 2011 12:46 AM

Lee Seung Gi....

Qn) Write a 150 words blogspot about your favourite character (can be from a story, drama series, movie or cartoon)
      1. What do you like about this character? 
  •  Behaviour/ characteristics
  • His personal thought/ beliefs
  • Actions
    2. In what way are you similar/ different from this character?

My favourite character in a Korean drama known as Shining Inheritance was Lee Seung Gi.  I watched this drama every Monday to Friday on channel U at 7pm. This drama is about my favourite character, Sun Woo Hwan (actor Lee Seung Gi) who was a useless grandson from a rich family. He had a bad temper and had no direction in life. His grandmother, Jang Sook Ja (actor Ban Hyo Jung) wants his grandson to inherit her food company but Hwan did not know how to cherish her company and her employees. He told his mother that he does not want to inherit the food company and wanted to sell the food company straight after his grandmother had pass away. His grandmother overheard their conversation and became deeply disappointed in Hwan. She cut off all expense from Hwan and asks him to work in her company and earn income himself. But Hwan does not want to listen to her grandmother and leave home. After leaving home for a few days, he created trouble and was send to the police station for one day. However, after that incident, he changes a lot and becomes a good person in the end with the help of Go Eun Sung (actor Han Hyo Joo). What I like about my favourite characters was that in this drama, Sun Woo Hwan, although he was very bad in the beginning but he was willing to make changes to his character and had learn how to cherish things as time passes.
I am quite similar to Sun Woo Hwan in his character. In the past, I like to take things for granted just like my favourite character but I was willing to make changes as time passes...... 

 Lee Seung Gi !!!  

Wednesday, August 17, 2011 5:36 PM

Super Junior....


I have learn how to approach an unseen text by:

1) Undertanding the overall meaning of the text.
2) Do a close reading of the text.
3) Provide a philosophical insight and an informed, personal response.

I have learn how the author chooses to tell the story and why he chooses to tell the story in a particular manner that is related to the subject of the story. I also know how to identify and comment on the unseen text by looking for the basic literary devices as well as understand the meaning of each devices. I had already learn the imagery and figurative language devices and sound devices. The devices had create important effect on the unseen text.

Eg of  imagery and figurative language devices: ROSE

Why people always compare their lover as a RED ROSE??
It was because a red rose is a traditional symbol of romantic love. It shows how deeply in love a male is with a female when comparing the rose to a female.

Lastly, i felt that unseen text is quite challenging for me as we need to know the devices well and understand the meaning of devices well so that we could use it to comment the unseen text as well as understand why the writer uses certain words to express the meaning of text......

4:59 PM



     My Literature R & J group, met almost every Wednesday and Saturday to discuss on how we are going to act out the 'Romeo and Juliet' play and all the props and things required. My group members had been assigned works by our director and everyone was busy preparing all the stuff needed for the play.
     My group had already settle the costumes of each characters and some of the props needed had already been done.Each members was ask to memorise their lines in the script so that they could act more naturally and put their emotion in it. Recently, my group met at rp for our rehearsal. The directors point out certain parts that we need to take note of, such as no back facing the audience and our body should always be facing 45 decree, and how different characters should act out to show the characteristicof the character in the play. My group keep on practicing the part which Romeo and Juliet kiss each other so that the two main characters would not feel so awkward during our actual performance.
     Today, 17/8/11, my group stay back from 3pm to 4.30pm to have a quick rehearsal in our school music room where we could try and play the piano, adjust the brightness of light and the positions of how we should stand during each scene of the play. I felt that each of my group members had been working hard for the major project which stand 70% of our End Of Year Examination and we had put extra effort in this project so as to make it a perfect play of 'Romeo and Juliet'.