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This is the first time i create a blog and i hope you will LOVE it!!


I'm Fong shi wai...


I LOVE to eat ice-cream...


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January 2011
February 2011
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August 2011
September 2011


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Saturday, January 29, 2011 9:53 AM

Hi, here again to update my blog on Thursday lesson 27/1/11!
On this lesson, my class learnt about SUPERSTITION- belief which are not based on reason or knowledge. First, my literature teacher go through the story or rather the summary of the story MACBETH and it was about a witch come and tell Macbeth that he is the king of the country. When Macbeth and his wife heard this news, they believe the witches and they were very happy. Macbeth wife order someone to kill the previous king. After killing the king, Macbeth became the king but the witches again tell Macbeth that he would not be kill by people who are not born by women. But at the end, Macbeth was being kill by a boy who was not born by women but "was being born by the stomach of the women" which mean the the boy was "being born by cutting off the flesh on the stomach of his mother"- I don't know what is the phrase to describe this. And also the boy who was not born by women became the king. I think that Macbeth was superstition and i felt that this story was very interesting! My class was ask to wrie a total of 200 words of predition for homework.
Question~ Has there ever been a time in your life when someone told you that somethingimprobable would happen and it did it? Did the fact that the event was 'predicted' cause you to behave differently that you would have otherwise and make it more likely for the event to occur? Or did the event simply seem to occur without any assistance from you? Recall what happened and include your feelings when you heard the event predicted and when it occurred.


Dear blog:
What happened that day to me was extremely usually. One particular day on one fateful afternoon, I was opening my locker, wanting to put my books inside it. When I open my locker, there was one piece of paper with writing on it drop down slowly and lightly from my locker and that piece of paper lay on the floor just in front of me. I was curious and was eager to read those neatly written words on that piece of paper. Eventually, I picked up the paper and I was shocked and surprised to see the words,
                                                                                                                    BY BMS 
on that piece of paper. I froze for a few seconds but I did not believe and care those words and I thought that it was my friend’s idea. I was walking home alone after putting my stuff in my locker. While walking home, I notice that someone kept following me on my back since I walked out of school. At this point of time, I began to believe those words on that piece of paper. I was frightened and immediately walked to places with lots of people so that the follower could not attack me as written on the paper. I call my mum to fetch me home. While waiting for my mum to fetch me, I kept looking out for that follower. At the end, although I was not being attack by someone as my mum and I inform the police who sent us back home and so the follower could not do anything to harm me, but I believe in SUPERSTITION from that moment onward. [279 word]

Sunday, January 16, 2011 2:22 AM

I had learn about CINQUAIN in my literature lesson on Thursday. After Ms Malyanah had explained about cinquain, i understand and i know how to write cinquain. Cinquain is a type of poem which consist of 5 lines. The 1st line of the cinquain should be a noun or the topic, the 2nd line should contain of two adjective, the 3rd line should have three gerunds, the 4th line should contain of one short complete sentence and lastly the 5th line should be synonym. Ms Malyanah had write a cinquain about flower for an example of how cinquain should be written with the ideal of some of my classmate. The cinquain on flower goes like this:
                                                                    Pretty White 
                                                          Blooming Moving Watering
                                                           O! how attractive you are 

After giving the example on how to write cinquain, Ms Malyanah wants us to write one cinquain about ourself . My cinquain goes like this:
                                                               Shi wai
                                                           Young   Short
                                                      Loving  Playing  Chatting
                                                            I love K-POP
Some of my classmates had shared the cinquain they had written to the class and their cinquain was well written. Apart from cinquain, i had also learn about William Shakespeare and my class had played games during the lesson. The game was about one group asking question about William Shakespeare to a group and the group had to answer the question being asked. Marks will be awarded to the groups that had answered the question correctly. My group had won this games and we were very happy! Lastly, i wants to find out more about Macbeth which was one of William Shakespeare's work on my next literature lesson.


Sunday, January 9, 2011 6:07 AM

On the first day of literature lesson, my class had introduce ourself so that our literature teacher get to know us more. But rather than each of us introduce ourself to the teacher, my teacher wants us to share one things that we observe about the person siting next to us. It was very fun and interesting. After my class had finished introduce ourself, my teacher had told us about William Shakespeare and some of his works such as Macbeth as well as Romeo and Juliet which the secondary two students had to put up peformance about this two stories. I really look forward to the performance put up by my classmates and i wanted to find out more about William Shakespeare on my next literature lesson.